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She wants to go riding...


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Feb 28, 2013
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Bothell, WA
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Ok, I'm not sure what I was planning on doing this evening but its turned into drinking, possibly to much, beer. Thus the bar seems like a good place to put this.

My lady knocked me over by insisting that we go riding in the mountains next weekend. She has never expressed any desire to get on my bike and frankly was really mad for about six weeks when I bought it. Anyway, so I go and grab my son's bike jacket for her to try on, sure it will fit. She refuses to wear it since it will be too hot. So I said, If you won't wear it, you won't get on my bike. So she tried it on and it fits perfectly and once I explained that it could be vented there was resignation. My son's helmet won't fit though so I'll have to buy her one of her own.

So now I have to plan a ride that is short enough not to bore her but interesting enough to keep her riding with me. so much pressure....
And a ride that won't scare her. No dragging pegs around the twisties. Maybe a short ride somewhere for lunch with a longer option home depending on how she's feeling about the whole thing.
Wow! First thing is to teach her how to be a good copilot. They can be dangerous if they don't know what to do. Since I don't know what the pillion seat is like and assuming it's anywhere near the comfort of the riders seat. Make it a short ride. My 10 year old said the seat sucked after a 15 minute ride, after having been on my ole Goldwing.
If he rides with me very much, I will have Rocky fix the pillion seat also.
Yeah, so far the furthest my wife has gone with me on the NC is out to lunch. 10mins there and 10mins back. She doesn't like the seat that much. When I got the new SC set cover she asked if it was for the back too. Had to disappoint her, it was just for me..
I've ridden on the back of mine (had to pick my dad up at the BMW shop and I don't carry passengers), and I didn't think the seat was that bad. For a pillion seat anyway. I was focusing more on my feet hitting the back of his legs and the fact that someone else was in control of -my- motorcycle.
My girl told me if I get a backrest, she will ride longer than 10 minutes... I just got one, so we will see what happens. She actually like riding with me, but says she is scared that she will slip off the back when i accelerate....lol
Wow! First thing is to teach her how to be a good copilot. They can be dangerous if they don't know what to do. Since I don't know what the pillion seat is like and assuming it's anywhere near the comfort of the riders seat. Make it a short ride. My 10 year old said the seat sucked after a 15 minute ride, after having been on my ole Goldwing.
If he rides with me very much, I will have Rocky fix the pillion seat also.

My kids like the bike. My daughter would go everywhere with me if she could. My son is old enough that he would rather have his own bike but that would be an expense that I just can't bear right now. There is nowhere near the house he can ride so I would need a trailer then weekend trips and it get really complicated and expensive fast. Point, now lost in amber bubbles, is this: neither has complained about the pillion seat but I assure you my wife will. We'll do what we can.
My girl told me if I get a backrest, she will ride longer than 10 minutes... I just got one, so we will see what happens. She actually like riding with me, but says she is scared that she will slip off the back when i accelerate....lol

The backrest is easy - I have a top box. Its why I went with the top box instead of saddlebags though I will eventually add those too...
How far would a ride to Mt. Rainier be for you? It might make a nice ride since you say she wants to go to the mountains.
My wife refuses to get on the bike. She is a nurse and any time I suggest a ride she hits me with the "I worked in the Trauma Center too many years to get on a motorcycle" response. Now having said that, one of these days I may be able to catch her in a weak moment and take her for a ride, but even then I think the ride would have to be to some place like Neiman Marcus. :)
Choose your destination wisely!

On the topic of Mt. Rainier, its too far for a first adventure. It would be a full day outing - at least 3 1/2 hours to the peak and the same back. I plan to make that run in the next few weeks but not with my wife on the back. Maybe Hurricane Ridge on the peninsula. We'll see how it goes.

On the topic of nurses, my wife is one of them too but she is in Cardio so very few cases of stopping too quickly for her there. She is talking about going to the ER and then I'll be toast...
years ago my wife would not go on the back of my bike.
so I said fine,you stay at home while I enjoy myself and I'll be back when I land..
she said you ain't going no where without me..really you just watch me.
and off I went. came back about 6 hrs later...what a boring day I've had she said, I didn't came my reply .
I went to blah blah.........
I said to her don't knock till you've tried it.
I'll buy you your coat and hat and you buy a pair of gloves.
we'll go for a short ride... when we got back she had grin from ear to ear..
and its been the same ever since,she now ask me are we going on the bike.

now my advice to any who is taking their lass for the first time...
don't try to impress that is a definite no no.
go nice and gentle especially going around corners,,go slower if you must.
do this for the first few rides out as you go lean over gradually till she get accustomed to it .
eventually she will go with the flow.
what ever you do do not criticise her rather say your doing great love(even if she feels to you like a card board cut out) ..just try and relax a bit you wont fall off.....
and stop now and again at some nice beauty spot even if it only 10 miles up the road but what ever you do...
do not try a marathon run but keep it short, eventually once she gains confident and relax being on the back.
she will pester you for a ride!!