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Season ending early for me (maybe..)


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Nov 18, 2012
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Central MA
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On June 23, I go under the knife for lower back surgery (microdisectomy to L2/L3)
Expected recovery time anywhere from 2 - 6 weeks. So no riding for me for end of June, all of July, maybe into August as well. No way I tell the surgeon I ride, or he will never clear me for that!

Anyone here in the low-back surgery club like me? Second time around for me, the first time I wasn't a rider, but now.....waiting all winter long to ride, and blam-o, back in the stable she goes until I am able to ride again.
No back surgery for me, but I'm off the bike until at least sometime in August, possibly September. Luckily I live in the land of no winter, so I will be able to ride once I'm able again (and can find the time).
Wishing you a speedy recovery and good outcome from your surgery!
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Ouch! Sorry to hear, but hope a very speedy recovery, man!

My lower back is toast. Has been that way for many years. I'm not far away from needing a cane to walk and a hoist to get me out of bed in the morning.

The ironic thing is, riding a motorcyle is the only thing that *doesn't* hurt my back. Sometimes when I just can't bear it in the middle of the night, I'll literally crawl out to my bike/s and go for a ride.

Positive vibes sent buddy! :)
You know what - same thing for me! Getting on the bike I feel no pain at all - I even joked that I would ride my bike into my office and sit on it so I could work pain free!
Imagine my work laptop propped up on the handlebars, me typing away while sitting on my bike. Sweet!

My back is toast as well - when the neurologist looked at my MRI he literally said out loud 'whoa! You have an OLD back (I'm only 44yrs old)'

Ouch! Sorry to hear, but hope a very speedy recovery, man!

My lower back is toast. Has been that way for many years. I'm not far away from needing a cane to walk and a hoist to get me out of bed in the morning.

The ironic thing is, riding a motorcyle is the only thing that *doesn't* hurt my back. Sometimes when I just can't bear it in the middle of the night, I'll literally crawl out to my bike/s and go for a ride.

Positive vibes sent buddy! :)
My lower back occasionally bothers me. Nothing serious and if I do my exercises it never bothers me. That said it bothers me much less riding my NC than a cage. The upright posture helps and if I am on pavement it isn't a rough ride.
Sorry to read of your back woes nemesis.

I too have a dodgy back and was due to have an epidural injection into my spine last year, coincidentally, I returned to an old job of mine (bricklayer) after being a general builder for about 5 years and my back problems virtually disappeared.:)

I used to own a Varadero XL1000 but it ended up simply being too top heavy for me, hence the move to the NCX.

Good luck with the surgery mate, all the best.

When I was a teenager my girl friend's father was my great uncle's doctor. My great uncle was in the hospital and I was at my girl friends house. So, her father asked us if we wanted to go to the hospital to see my great uncle. When we walked into my great uncle's room at the hospital he pulled the sheets over his head and screamed at his loudest voice, - Quack, Quack, Quack, Quack.
As I got older, I now understand exactly what my great uncle meant.

I also understand exactly what L.B.S. means - "The ironic thing is, riding a motorcycle is the only thing that *doesn't* hurt my back. Sometimes when I just can't bear it in the middle of the night, I'll literally crawl out to my bike/s and go for a ride."

See you riding soon!
Sorry to hear of your problems. Personally, I would tell the consultant about your motorcycling. The possible consequences of not doing so are too serious. Hopefully you will recover quickly and be back on the road before the season closes in. I am off the road currently after TKR surgery a couple of weeks ago. I am keeping fingers crossed that I will be back in action towards the end of June. Best of luck to you.
Good luck with the surgery. If you don't get it done it could be longer than a few months so I guess it is best to look at it that way.
You know what - same thing for me! Getting on the bike I feel no pain at all - I even joked that I would ride my bike into my office and sit on it so I could work pain free!
Imagine my work laptop propped up on the handlebars, me typing away while sitting on my bike. Sweet!

My back is toast as well - when the neurologist looked at my MRI he literally said out loud 'whoa! You have an OLD back (I'm only 44yrs old)'

Indiana Jones: "It's not the years, it's the mileage"

;) ;)
My X had a microdiscetomy (L4 & L5). Went in that morning and walked out to the car that evening. She teaches all kinds of exercise classes with no problems. I bought her a cheap Chinese scooter and she loves it (with "0" pain).
I hope you have a similar story to tell.
I have had lower back pain for most of my life, last ten years its pretty much always sore. Worked construction that way for 30 years, so my knees and ankles are also shot. Last year I got approved for disability and thats the reason I have time for the bike. Riding doesnt bother my back, but sometimes getting on and off the bike is tough. Worst part of the height of the NCX for me is getting on and off, I have no problem riding but sometimes can barely get my leg over the seat and a couple times getting off had my back cramp and almost ended up on hands and knees.
I have had lower back pain for most of my life, last ten years its pretty much always sore. Worked construction that way for 30 years, so my knees and ankles are also shot. Last year I got approved for disability and thats the reason I have time for the bike. Riding doesnt bother my back, but sometimes getting on and off the bike is tough. Worst part of the height of the NCX for me is getting on and off, I have no problem riding but sometimes can barely get my leg over the seat and a couple times getting off had my back cramp and almost ended up on hands and knees.

As long as you are for sure safely parked with no worry of tipping over or on a sketchy surface, maybe try the "stirrup" method of getting on or off.

Put left foot on footpeg, and then stand up, while slinging right leg over saddle.

Often I do that, and especially if I am all loaded up with camping gear- back seat piled full up and panniers mounted etc., but you do have to be cognisant of the stability of the bike before doing it.

If I recall, OldCanRide does something similar with how he gets on, but with a slightly different, interesting sounding variant- holding the left handlebar grip with his right hand, I think? Well worth considering, anyway.

Ah, here we go :)
