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Modified Stock Exhaust

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This sounds so bizzare to me... Instead of tackling the problem they just banned bikes altogether? Why not just ban loud pipes and hand out stiff fines for affenders?

To buy a Harley I would have to gain 200 pounds and loose my hearing. LOL

Read my response. It contains the actual rules. Basically, none of it was true.
Yes, it will !!! Better to spend the money on the new pipe. Then be sure to swap your stock back on if you ever have issuse to be serviced, and before they try to use your slip-on as a scapegoat for not honoring the warranty.
Yes, it will !!! Better to spend the money on the new pipe. Then be sure to swap your stock back on if you ever have issuse to be serviced, and before they try to use your slip-on as a scapegoat for not honoring the warranty.

Well shit. I'm going to have to sell my body on the corner. When people say stuck on the pipe I guess this is what they mean.
OK Beemer...This hold NO water....

First of all, the NC is incapable of getting as loud as an HD or other rice rocket superbikes come straght from the manufacturer

To answer your questions:

1) I am the one in the pack of motorcycles. Or, I am the one you notice in the lane next to you, and the one you are not,unknowingly, changing lanes into.

2) Neither I, not anyone else, has sirens on their cars/motorcycles.... So um... awareness. I was using that as an example of how flashing lights and sound increases surrounding awareness.

3) I don't thinkn you realize how many people "everyone" is... the motorcycling populatoin holds a small fraction of the motorpool. and even just considering the moto's, everyone is a huge statement to imply that number would modify their pipes

4) Selfish ? For considering my own safety? That's like me calling you selfish for wearing a helmet. It's YOU that want's to protect YOUR head from being smashed. So YOU put a helmet above YOUR neck....lol. really?!?


If you don't like modified pipes, are strongly against them, or find them distasteful, WHY ARE YOU COMING INTO THESE THREADS ?!?!

You don't like it.. We get it.. I don't like olives, or pancakes... get it?

Do you just feel like, again, sharing with us your same, OLD, crotchety moaning and groaning complaining opinions?!?!

THis is a thread for those of us that like the mods, and want to share about our experiences with the different products. This is not a thread dedicated to talking ish about those of us that either enjoy them or implement them for safety reasons.

Maybe you should go to the Bingo thread and cackle with the old hens about how new fangled computer gadgets are ruining society.... or how rock n' roll aint what it use to be.....lol


AGREED! Let's get this thread back on topic and leave the loud pipe debate on another thread that's actually about loud pipes. It doesn't belong here. Maybe we can petition a Mod to remove all this off-topic babble and get this thread back on track...:rolleyes:
AGREED! Let's get this thread back on topic and leave the loud pipe debate on another thread that's actually about loud pipes. It doesn't belong here. Maybe we can petition a Mod to remove all this off-topic babble and get this thread back on track...:rolleyes:

Anyone who wants to can remove their own posts. I'll start with my own.
AGREED! Let's get this thread back on topic and leave the loud pipe debate on another thread that's actually about loud pipes. It doesn't belong here. Maybe we can petition a Mod to remove all this off-topic babble and get this thread back on track...:rolleyes:

Anyone who wants to can remove their own posts. I'll start with my own.

I concur... good form.

I've deleted everything that was of no contribution to the thread or topic....
As for loud exhaust, I've never been in a situation where I've thought, "maybe if I had a loud bike, that jackass would have noticed me.

Several have posted similar thoughts. None of them have considered adding a louder horn to the NC700. If their true concern were safety, there would be threads on "which aftermarket horn is the loudest" :cool:

I saw that guys girlfriend on a bike with another guy

me and gf on bike.jpg
Several have posted similar thoughts. None of them have considered adding a louder horn to the NC700. If their true concern were safety, there would be threads on "which aftermarket horn is the loudest" :cool:

Here ya go buddy... actually check this stuff out before you post.... I'm about to add my second 130db FREEWAY BLASTER !!! :p

Horn Upgrade
Here ya go buddy... actually check this stuff out before you post.... I'm about to add my second 130db FREEWAY BLASTER !!! :p

Horn Upgrade

Looks like you will definitely win if its a loudness contest :cool:

Really I think a louder horn is a great Idea. I may look into this one myself. Although it is my defensive driving skills I rely on, not futile attempts to change other drivers behavior. I have 30 years of accident free driving behind me. Three of those years were as a professional truck driver, in which I logged more miles than most people drive in a lifetime. In driving school, one of the first things you learn is that the behavior of "4 wheelers" is easily predictable, and it is your job to predict it and be ready for it. If you are in a cars blind spot, you have several options. Having a loud muffler or loud horn might help if an emergency situation develops. But a professional driver (or rider) would take preemptive action to ensure that it doesn't happen in the first place.
The "Premptive action" your talking about would have little or no effect in heavy traffic when getting out of one persons blind spot will most likely put you in another's. And running around with the horn blowing to get the attention of the drivers around you is really not an option either. If you need to blow the horn, the person has already violated your space and you're reacting. Having a louder exhaust can make the other drivers aware your there in the first place. Might save you from needing the horn.

And yes if it makes me a little selfish to want a louder exhaust that might keep me from being a smear on the pavement, then I'm selfish!!! Silliest argument ever!!
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