• A few people have been scammed on the site, Only use paypal to pay for items for sale by other members. If they will not use paypal, its likely a scam NEVER SEND E-TRANSFERS OF ANY KIND.

Mirror Height- lane split issues

He doesn't need to answer your question. Rather than repeat it, maybe you could simply retract it.


Draw or pull (something) back or back in: "she retracted her hand".
Withdraw (a statement or accusation) as untrue or unjustified.
"For those of you who lane-split you've most likely noticed that the mirrors are the exact same height as a trucks mirror. WTH right?

Yeah WTH!! How dare they make the mirrors on trucks the same height as our NC700X?
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Westxtsew I'm also a California native and lane split since I started riding street bikes 30 years ago. I now live in Minnesota and wouldn't try it here. Midwest drivers suck. To those that haven't lived in California and lane split, go dump on someone elses post.

As for your original question, I have those mirrors on my Speed Triple and love them. No vibrations, and you can mount them at a lot of different angles to suit your riding position.
Westxtsew I'm also a California native and lane split since I started riding street bikes 30 years ago. I now live in Minnesota and wouldn't try it here. Midwest drivers suck. To those that haven't lived in California and lane split, go dump on someone elses post.

As for your original question, I have those mirrors on my Speed Triple and love them. No vibrations, and you can mount them at a lot of different angles to suit your riding

"Midwest drivers suck."

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Why do California drivers suck?

"On this page I’ll outline why they suck vs. other states. There may be a few areas in other states that have worse drivers. I’m not saying California drivers are the worst in the US or world but they’re really bad compared to other states I’ve been in. I work in an international company and I often hear about how bad the drivers are from their perspective.
Common California Driver Mistakes

Bad Right Turn into Traffic
Quite often you see people that will turn right in front of you cutting you off when you are going some insane speed. They either don’t gauge your speed properly or don’t care how fast you’re going. The end result is you have to brake or dodge them by changing lanes. At worst, they mimic every lane change you do, continuing to block you as you try to get around them. Usually I air horn them or go around and cut them off closely with no signal. If they’re really bad and don’t even look they can crash into you if they turn at the last moment when you are about to cross their path.
Pro Tip: So be aware whenever someone looks like they might be turning right in front of you and be prepared to brake or change lanes. If you’re the one turning right and a car is coming, make sure you judge their speed. Then either wait for them to pass or pull out and front of them and change to the middle lane or speed up very quickly. If you have a fast car like mine, often I pull out and the person coming is mad I pulled out but I’m so fast they can’t ever catch up to complain properly. So funny.
Lane Spacing/Tailgating
California leaves little space between cars. California has a massive amount of cars. Because of this, it’s not really practical to leave a large space between you and the car ahead of you. If everyone had the legal/safe amount of space there would be massive traffic jams there no one would get anywhere. There’s just too many cars and not enough road to support that.
You only see large spacing when it rains or in more rural areas of California. Of course for safety reasons it’s smart to leave enough space behind the car ahead of you but in reality what happens is people get mad and just pass you on the right and go ahead of you. In California it’s important to have good brakes. Always get your brakes checked out every year or less and replace the pads. Have good tires too. I spun out in the rain because my tires were not in good shape.
Because it’s so common to have people follow you so closely it’s important to not do any sudden moves and to signal and to not brake suddenly if you can help it.
If you’re the type of driver that wants a safe amount of space ahead of you, you need to get the fuck out of the way and stay in the slow or middle lanes because that crap doesn’t fly in California.
If you come to California you better hope it doesn’t rain. It almost never rains here. When it does rain, people are totally unprepared. Many of them have bald tires and bad brakes. When the roads get slick, they spin out or crash. They also drive way too fast for the rain or drive way too slow. I have a AWD with super good rain tires so I swear my car is better in the rain or at least exactly the same. So I love the rain. Anyway, when it rains, you should see the news and the amount of crashes. One day driving to work in 1997 I saw at least 12 crashes on my way to work. It was like mad max. There were so many crashes that the cops hadn’t even responded to them all. There were just people in the middle of the road crashed and you had to drive around them like some apocalypic story. California also floods really bad during the rain. Houses fall of cliffs, etc. When people from other states like Oregon who reguarlly deal with rain come here, they’re shocked as to how bad California drivers are in the rain. What is wrong with these people? Have they ever seen rain before? It almost never rains here.
Rain Blamed For Sixfold Jump in LA Crashes – “Collisions in Los Angeles County increased more than 470 percent Saturday morning compared to the same (dry) time last week.”
“The California Highway Patrol recorded 315 crashes on Southern California freeways between 12:01 a.m. and 9 a.m. on Saturday”
315!?!?!?!? See what I mean?
Slower Drivers must stick to the right.
California is full of multiple lanes. In my city they have as many as 4 lanes in both directions and that’s not even the freeway. There’s signs all over that slower traffic should hang to the right. Common sense says the fast drivers should be on the left lanes and the slow drivers on the right lanes. But no one in California actually does that. I see it about once a month. The only way they get out of the way is if you have a giant truck and they have a small car. All day long you see idiots in the fast lane going slow as shit refusing to get out of the way. In other countries or states you “beam” them with the lights to tell them to move. Then the nice drivers move out of the way. But in California if you do that, they just get mad and start slowing down even more.
Tip: When someone comes behind you that is traveling faster than you, turn on your right blinker and move to the right and let them by.
Blocking Lane Changes
For some reason Californians see lane changes as an attack on their car. Whenever they see a blinker they rush to block the person from getting over. Of course there are some nice people but they are kind of rare. It’s 20% of the time someone lets you in. The counter move most people do is to not use your blinker and do a “sorry blinker” after you’ve already started to change lanes. That prevents people from blocking you. But that’s dangerous. They might do something you might not expect because they are not expecting you to changing lanes.
No Blinkers (turn signals)
It’s common to see all sorts of lane changes without a blinker. It’s annoying. The reason people don’t use the blinker is they don’t want to warn people causing another car to block their lane change.
Tip: Always try to use your blinker even when no one is around.
Everyone and their brother cuts in
For traffic to work properly people have to let cars in and merge properly. But California drivers are such jerks this often doesn’t work. During rush hour especially people cheat and cut over and use merge lanes or the shoulder to pass a bunch of people on the right and cut in. When people need to merge, they fight to block them for merging. One time I saw a guy let in over 20-25 cars. I got so mad I blew my horn at him. That is being too generous. On the other hand, some people don’t let anyone in at all.
Tip: Let one car in. Try to do every other car.
Idiots head straight to the fast lane
On the freeway it’s very common to see people enter the freeway at 50 mph as cars are going 65-75 mph and instantly cut left over 3+ lanes to the fast lane at a slow speed. This causes everyone behind them to brake or dodge them. You see this every trip you go on. They are just too impatient to wait until they get going fast enough to make their way to the fast lane. They also commonly go way slower in the fast lane causing other drivers to have to pass them on the right.
Tip: Enter the freeway at the speed over other cars. 60+ mph minimum unless the exit is one of those crazy short ones. Wait until you build up speed and work your way over (If you have to) over a long distance and a slow time. Instead of “suiciding to the fast lane.”
Only One Headlight
Don’t be lazy. Fix your broken headlights. One time I counted 22 cars without a headlight going down a hill to my college. Just go down to the auto parts store and find the right one. Or you can take it to the dealer. Or you can probably go to somewhere like Jiffy Lube. Especially don’t use your brights to pretend you have two headlights. That blinds other drivers.
You should do the same for brake lights and tail lights. Always replace those ASAP."
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Alright you guys got me haha...no one can be this silly

Let me explain the needless to say.

When I come to a light with cars... no wait, still too complicated :rolleyes:

When I approach a "red light" with a line of vehicles "fully stopped" I do the following steps to accomplish what is widely known as a lane-split technique:

1: Check my location in accordance to other vehicles, and evaluate all possibilities of and accident or miss interpretation of my maneuvering in preparation for lane-splitting.

2: While surveying the situation I reduce speed accordingly; If the traffic changes in anyway or it receives a green light I am fully capable of coming to a complete and safe stop with my "reduced speed"

3: Seeing that the traffic is safe and my speed is down to 15-18 mph; I proceed with the lane-splitting maneuver.

4: while moving between cars I maintain a constant distance(from vehicles) and maintain my speed. If difficult maneuvering is required I drop speed down to "0"-5 mph and proceed safely and cautiously.

5: Once I've reached the front of the line, I come to a "complete stop" remaining in the center of the two lanes which I had driven though.

6: When the light turns green I stay centered and straight until I've reach the other side of the intersection; then I proceed to merge into the safest lane.

To understand step six you have to have tried it for yourself.

(If the light turns green while the lane-split technique is at play.) after completing steps 1-4.

5:I calmly and with intent display which vehicle I plan to follow though the light with.

Now pay attention this part is critical to being safe while utilizing this technique.

6: Don't try to squeeze back into a lane between two stopped vehicles.

7: When the vehicle you've decided to follow moves up just follow with ease and a safe distance.

And that is how I lane-split. If this just to unimaginable then please don't try it.


Seebee Bob

Just because that video says lane-splitting. that isn't. It looks like some dumb ass riding crazy fast on the freeway too me.

And since you responded with the rhetoric of how old I am... I wouldn't recommend that you lane-split anytime soon

Stay Safe,

Dude, I was born to lane split. You have no idea! I have RESPECT for other drivers and I choose not to lane split legal or not.




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Yes. Don't take it so personal. This is the internet, not real life. And the NC is a way better bike to lane split with than a cruiser.

I am sure if I was to be lane splitting with my 1997 FXSTC with all the spikes sticking out. I would be tapping more the truck mirrors. I sold this bad ass bike in August to buy the NCX. WTHWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!


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How old are you westxew?

If this is what you are talking about "Lane Splitting". You will get your death wish one day.

Lane splitting Los Angeles - YouTube

Motorcycle Crash - YouTube

i just about had an anxiety attack watching that first video... that is putting way to much faith in other people to not swerve or switch lanes for me. i don't trust other drivers at all, especially when i'm on two wheels... no way.

just watched that 2nd video and that is exactly what i would expect. the only way i would do that, legal or not, is if traffic is stopped, and i just need to get around them to turn or something. otherwise, i'll just wait my turn like everyone else.

and the guy in the truck that turned into the bike's path did have his turn signal on.
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For those of you who lane-split you've most likely noticed that the mirrors are the exact same height as a trucks mirror. WTH right?

If anyone has any ideas or personal experience with this *post your reply:cool:

Such as...

Bar End Mirror- Black Anodized - British Customs

View attachment 1291

I've almost always replaced my bike's stock mirrors with bar end style. (usually "Napolean" style smallish rectangular shaped ones, I was never really too fond of the aesthetics or view through a small round kind) With the Napolean style, it's awesome to be able to pivot them inboard above or below the bar, if super tight quarters are found to be a problem.

The shape of OEM handlebar mount stalk mirrors are almost always "ewww" to me, but the better looks of fairing mount ones come at the price of seeing mostly your elbows, or having, obviously, a sport bike or bike with a fairing.

The NCX's mirrors I actually quite like for looks, and the view through them is perfect for me. Ironically, I have to undo them and take them off/on to park under the deck where I live, so that sucks having to do it all the time! I don't want to put bar end mirrors on this bike, but out of all of them, it would be most suited damnit! :p Can't win lol

I won't even get into the lane splitting thing. It is what it is, or not. To each their own, I say!

You might want to relax just a bit though, westxtsew.

[Snatch] "Chilllll, Winstahhhn." [/Snatch] ;)
Hi all,

Anyone can do as they please with their style of riding. And can also post it here for all to see and digest.
Sorry I appeared to be incredibly rude. That is my last intention in our happy and peaceful forum.

I was just exercising my rights to post honestly, just like you posted your honest opinion on lane-splitting.

Peace ok please? I have had enough of being (mis)taken as a rude idiot and I don't like being called senior in the forum, etc etc. I could have joined the forum just now and say the exact same thing. It has nothing to do with age also. Some young guys are incredibly safety conscious while some aged fellows are bent on cheating death.

I say what I mean and mean what I say.
Some like me this way, others just could not stand me.
Ok boys and girls?

Plus one more thing: I did reply with my honest opinion about those handlebar mirrors, instead of a thank you, I got a "what a rude person"....stop calling the kettle black. My feeble attempt at humor is at most a failed feeble attempt.
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What's everyone do ramped up about? Lol

I gotta say though Seabee.. WTH WERE you thinking?? Turning that goofy girly Harley vibration machine into some spiked out gay night club lookin beast?? Haha jk

Glad you got smart and got a decent bike. :)

Oh and btw, you are correct.. Cali drivers love to tailgate. Another reason I prefer to lane split. Forward progression. At freeway speeds, if I simply lift the throttle slightly, I slow 5-10mph.. Not something I feel comfy about with man eaters flying up behind me.

I will say this though, seeing how they drove in NYC (see; erratic) I wouldn't feel comfy lane splitting there or places like it either.
What's everyone do ramped up about? Lol

I gotta say though Seabee.. WTH WERE you thinking?? Turning that goofy girly Harley vibration machine into some spiked out gay night club lookin beast?? Haha jk

Glad you got smart and got a decent bike. :)

Oh and btw, you are correct.. Cali drivers love to tailgate. Another reason I prefer to lane split. Forward progression. At freeway speeds, if I simply lift the throttle slightly, I slow 5-10mph.. Not something I feel comfy about with man eaters flying up behind me.

I will say this though, seeing how they drove in NYC (see; erratic) I wouldn't feel comfy lane splitting there or places like it either.

You failed to mention the spiked ghost skulls. :cool:

I see you are in San Diego Loomis. I lived in Chula Vista, CA for two years and Port Hueneme, CA for 3. I am actually watching the San Diego Chargers right now kicking some KC Chiefs a**. 31- 6

I am not going to comment on the NC700X. Let's just say I will be buying a 2013 HD Road King May when I get back up in the mountains of NC. I am sure I will get quite a few likes on this comment since I will no longer be with you all here on the NC700X forum. I am going to lay low here and watch the show until then. Ride safe and keep the rubber side down.


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I am sure if I was to be lane splitting with my 1997 FXSTC with all the spikes sticking out. I would be tapping more the truck mirrors. I sold this bad ass bike in August to buy the NCX. WTHWIT!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok Bob we get it, your not happy with your NC and now your selling it. You love your custom painted chrome and spiked out McChopper, we get it. So why don't you take the NC to a dealer and get what you can for it and put a down payment on you next "hog", then you can go to their forum. A lot of the time it seems that your just trying to throw a wrench in the free flow of ideas here. There are members here from coast to coast and from around the world and though their opinion may be at odds with your own, they are not less valid. If you don't think the NC is a good bike and fun to ride, if your not contributing to the greater library of NC knowledge that will benefit other NC riders now and in the future, then honestly buddy why are you here? I don't want to sound like a pri*k here but I just can't figure out what your thinking. Maybe I'm taking some of your posts the wrong way, but I don't think I am. What I'm saying is that if you want to be here, then lighten up a bit man. I'm here to absorb some top notch info and share experiences with fellow riders, their opinion is theirs, there is no need for page long tirades to try and force someone to yours. Cool?

(Note) this was written during the time that Seabee Bob was posting the preceeding post, and edited to reflect the overlap with this note. CJD.
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Ok Bob we get it, your not happy with your NC and now your selling it. You love your custom painted chrome and spiked out McChopper, we get it. So why don't you take the NC to a dealer and get what you can for it and put a down payment on you next "hog", then you can go to their forum. A lot of the time it seems that your just trying to throw a wrench in the free flow of ideas here. There are members here from coast to coast and from around the world and though their opinion may be at odds with your own, they are not less valid. If you don't think the NC is a good bike and fun to ride, if your not contributing to the greater library of NC knowledge that will benefit other NC riders now and in the future, then honestly buddy why are you here? I don't want to sound like a pri*k here but I just can't figure out what your thinking. Maybe I'm taking some of your posts the wrong way, but I don't think I am. What I'm saying is that if you want to be here, then lighten up a bit man. I'm here to absorb some top notch info and share experiences with fellow riders, their opinion is theirs, there is no need for page long tirades to try and force someone to yours. Cool?
(Note) this was written during the time that Seabee Bob was posting the preceeding post, and edited to reflect the overlap with this note. CJD.

I am more of a Springer Softail kind of guy and not the custom painted chrome and spiked out McChopper. Someone owed me $8,000 and I took the 1997 FXSTC as the payment. I already stated that I will no longer be with you all here on the NC700X forum. I am going to lay low here and watch the show until then. Ride safe and keep the rubber side down.

I previously owned an 03 and a 06 HONDA VTX 1800C along with an 08 HONDA Gold Wing.

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I think noise is ok on a channel, but too much noise is too much distraction.

As one of the TOP POSTER (someone generously pointed it out to me), I (BIG CAPITAL I) promise to refrain from posting non-NCX/S posts unless absolutely drunk or silly.

I do not really wish to see other bikes being discussed here, unless they are dimly related somehow to our NCX. I "love" HD and other bikes, but I think not many of us want to see them here, unless you got a hot chick melting the paint on it.

I can be called a prick, but I have been called worse before.
Again this is my HONEST feedback about NOISE.

Peace, now go and bother some other threads...
As beemerphile mentioned in another thread. I hit a sore topic with him on loud pipe save lives. Well, westxtsew hit a sore topic with me on lane splitting.
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"Watch" is the key word there.


Look at or observe attentively, typically over a period of time.

A word or concept of great significance.
A word that acts as the key to a cipher or code.