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Buddy airlifted to Chicago hospital after hit by car


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Sep 16, 2018
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Lady in a car was making a left hand turn across traffic. My friend was going straight, in his lane, with right of way.

'I never saw the motorcycle'

This guy is in my shooting group. I don't know most of the details. He doesn't remember what happened, but he is alive. Not sure how badly he is hurt.

I gave him some extra motorcycle body armor that I had when he got his new motorcycle, no clue if he was wearing it, or what he had on when he was hit. I know he always rides with a helmet and a motorcycle jacket, not sure if the jacket he had on was armored, I know 1 of his is, the other is not. But honestly even with full motocross armor, a car making a left hand turn into a motorcycle its always a motorcycle that loses. And its probably the most common fatal motorcycle crash.

Thankfully he is alive.

He's not an NC7--X rider, but he is a Honda guy. Rides (rode) a Shadow.



June 24, 2020 Goddard
Shortly after 12:30pm Wednesday a motorcycle being ridden by a male rider traveling northbound on Cline Ave, and a passenger car driven by female driver collided as the passenger car appeared to be turning eastbound into the Griffith Park Plaza from southbound Cline Ave, according to Commander Keith Martin of the Griffith Police. The female driver was uninjured and the motorcyclist was airlifted by a UCAN helicopter to an undisclosed hospital for evaluation and treatment, Martin told RNS. The motorcycle drivers condition is not known at this time.

The crash is currently under investigation by the Griffith Police.
Got this update this morning, from his hospital bed:

They had to amputate my left index finger tip at the last joint and put some plates on my left ulna and radius. Also got a small bit of road rash on my belly. Some small tears on my kidneys and spleen, small cracks on some vertebrae, according to docs that should all take care on its own.

Could have been so much worse.
Lady in a car was making a left hand turn across traffic. My friend was going straight, in his lane, with right of way.

'I never saw the motorcycle'

This is why I bought hi-viz gear for my wife and myself, and added extra lights to my NCX. Denali soundbomb horn in case that didn't work. And I watch everyone. Idiots in cages everywhere. Hope he recovers well. Hope she pays through the nose.
FWIW, got this reply:
Was wearing Bell Vortex Helmet, Armored First Mfg Turbine Jacket, Armored Street and Steel Oakland jeans, Dianese Blackjack Gloves, and Merrell MOAB boots.

I think it's something like $50 in Ontario, Canada.
No, its still a $60,000 cost in Ontario, but the taxpayers foot the bill through all sorts of daily taxes. Here the bill is paid by the injured person.

This is why I bought hi-viz gear for my wife and myself, and added extra lights to my NCX. Denali soundbomb horn in case that didn't work. And I watch everyone. Idiots in cages everywhere. Hope he recovers well. Hope she pays through the nose.
We are an ATGATT family, with about 60% of our gear being Hi-Viz.

We also have extra attention grabbing lighting on both the front and rear of both bikes.

I'm seriously thinking of adding BarkBusters for the sole purpose of installing Admore lights to the aluminum guard. I don't even want the plastics, just the aluminum frame so I can add lights.
I have thought about adding more lights and things; however, I see everyday in the news where someone has hit a schoolbus...and the idiot's response...I didnt see it,,,,didnt realize it was stopped (big yellow thing with flashing lights and a flashing stop arm-the lady who killed the 3 kids in Indiana and that was her excuse-she didnt know what it was or didnt know it was stopped)....and if they cant see a big yellow bus, we dont have chance.....just be watchful my friends.
I have thought about adding more lights and things; however, I see everyday in the news where someone has hit a schoolbus...and the idiot's response...I didnt see it,,,,didnt realize it was stopped (big yellow thing with flashing lights and a flashing stop arm-the lady who killed the 3 kids in Indiana and that was her excuse-she didnt know what it was or didnt know it was stopped)....and if they cant see a big yellow bus, we dont have chance.....just be watchful my friends.
There is some logic there.

I supposed some people will NEVER see things. Probably applies to everyone with a cellphone in their hand while driving.

But I believe that SOME people do see the added lights. And if SOME of those people notice me because of the lights then the lights are worth the added cost.

Just like SOME people don't notice Hi-Viz but its been pretty much established that Hi-Viz does get noticed. As do white helmets. Nothing is a perfect solution, nothing will open everyone's eyes to see motorcycles 100% of the time. But if some things increase our odds then I'm willing to try some of those things.
There is some logic there.

I supposed some people will NEVER see things. Probably applies to everyone with a cellphone in their hand while driving.

But I believe that SOME people do see the added lights. And if SOME of those people notice me because of the lights then the lights are worth the added cost.

Just like SOME people don't notice Hi-Viz but its been pretty much established that Hi-Viz does get noticed. As do white helmets. Nothing is a perfect solution, nothing will open everyone's eyes to see motorcycles 100% of the time. But if some things increase our odds then I'm willing to try some of those things.
Luckily for us Hoosiers, starting July 1, it is illegal to have phone in hand while driving in a moving vehicle....and from what I see, the cops are going to be watching it like a hawk...this law has more teeth in it...
Its been a few years here in Quebec where it's illegal to have a phone in hand while driving. It helps a lot for motorcycle safety. I cannot understand that in 2020, with most of the cars having Bluetooth communication, there is still some States allowing this. Scary...
It's been illegal to use anything but a hands-free device in MA for nearly a year now. I did an 85 mile ride today and it looked no differnt than before the ban, every other idiot is either staring down at their phone or holding one up to their face. This is the world where everyone is more important than everyone else.
It's been illegal to use anything but a hands-free device in MA for nearly a year now. I did an 85 mile ride today and it looked no differnt than before the ban, every other idiot is either staring down at their phone or holding one up to their face. This is the world where everyone is more important than everyone else.
Illinois is the same as MA. Been the law for a year across the state line but I still see people driving with cellphones in their hands all the time.

Laws tend to work very slowly.

He is recovering at his father's house.

I advised that he find an accident/injury lawyer. If it turns out she had a cell phone in her hand she hit him I'd go after everything she owned and do everything I could to to ruin her life, have her agree to being the face of the idiot on an anti-cellphone billboard, etc. But I'm an asshole to people who prove they are irresponsible.
Study is from 2016 but is one of the most complete studies and most current studies available for moto crashes. Interestingly it took NEAR-Crashes into account. Had 100 people with multiple cameras mounted on their bikes.

A lot of crashes are motorcyclists running into objects. Far more than you'd guess. In fact more than the dreaded "left hand turn/crossing my lane of traffic" situations.

Other than the loss of the last 1" of 1 of his fingers, he is no worse for the wear. He is currently shopping for a new bike. He lost his beloved Honda and is considering another. Also considering a couple other brands.