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Criminals on motorcycles


Well-Known Member
Nov 5, 2012
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Something is awful quiet here about wacko criminals on motorcycles who choose Waco, TX to show how little they care about modern societies. They deserve nothing but vocal public condemnation.
Best part of the news is they killed and injured each other but no bystanders or police. Restaurant has already lost their franchise.

Bad news is many equate events like this to everyone who rides a bike.
I thought it odd, no make that annoying, that the news article clearly mentioned that the criminals rode motorcycles. What did the mode of transportation have to do with anything? It's not like the bikes were used as weapons.

The news article noted that motorcycles were parked in the lot. If the gangs had shown up in minivans, or crossover SUVs, or pickups, would the article had made a point to mention what vehicles were present at the establishment at the time of the shootout?
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I thought it odd, no make that annoying, that the news article clearly mentioned that the criminals rode motorcycles. What did the mode of transportation have to do with anything? It's not like the bikes were used as weapons.

The news article noted that motorcycles were parked in the lot. If the gangs had shown up in minivans, or crossover SUVs, or pickups, would the article had made a point to mention what vehicles were present at the establishment at the time of the shootout?

I think much of that has to do with the odd romanticized image this country has with OMG's. From the Wild One to SoA Hollywood has glamorized them. So, the media reports their motorcycles not as the form of transportation, but to ensure we know these are "Bikers". Because we wouldn't want to call them what they are. Common thugs, bullies and criminals with no concern for anyone but themselves. Gotta make sure we add that romantic spin to it. That I find both odd and annoying.

Who I really felt sorry for was the cops who had to search them for weapons. The few bikers I've encountered stunk to the point I couldn't be within a few feet of them. Yuck!
My own guess is that people can distinguish between us (if I may say that) and the guys with gang affiliations emblazoned on their denim vests.
If I'm riding past a place and see a lot of those, then I just keep going...

"mode of transportation" . It is unfair to paint us all with a broad brush, but we do have that in common...

made me imagine the headline "marauding Prius owners take over Texas town!"
made me imagine the headline "marauding Prius owners take over Texas town!"

I think I have a Prius gang living across the street from me, they have two of them. Oh and they're Bikers too, in fact he just a got three wheeler, of coarse it has pedals on it just like their other bikes.;)
I think I have a Prius gang living across the street from me, they have two of them. Oh and they're Bikers too, in fact he just a got three wheeler, of coarse it has pedals on it just like their other bikes.;)

Be careful! Living that close can be dangerous. Make sure you're recycling EVERYTHING or they'll get really nasty!
I recycle all I can because I have the time and inclination but I don't belong to the radical Prius Gang. :)
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I thought it odd, no make that annoying, that the news article clearly mentioned that the criminals rode motorcycles. What did the mode of transportation have to do with anything? It's not like the bikes were used as weapons.

The news article noted that motorcycles were parked in the lot. If the gangs had shown up in minivans, or crossover SUVs, or pickups, would the article had made a point to mention what vehicles were present at the establishment at the time of the shootout?

The article I first read on the story suggested that over a hundred motorcycles and several private automobiles were confiscated as evidence... so it's possible some of them did show up in minivans.

"marauding Prius owners take over Texas town!"

Thanks Obama...
I think I have a Prius gang living across the street from me, they have two of them. Oh and they're Bikers too, in fact he just a got three wheeler, of coarse it has pedals on it just like their other bikes.;)

We have two Prii. And two motorcycles, one has 3 wheels, the other 2. And two bicycles, one has 3 wheels and the other 2. We appear to be properly poised to take over our town...
The article I first read on the story suggested that over a hundred motorcycles and several private automobiles were confiscated as evidence... so it's possible some of them did show up in minivans.

Probably chase vehicles for broke down Harleys.

I know I saw a pickup with a Harley in the back in some of the news coverage. I had to laugh at what kind of bad *** biker shows up to battle with his bike in the back of a truck.

Probably broke down on the way. SMH.
Those Prii jokes crack me up!

Coming back from N. Ark weekend before last, I notice a couple of bikes coming up real fast. I just held steady as I have nothing to prove. They were affiliated with Gray Ghosts. They had all the leathers, hangie down things, half helmets, loud pipes ,and were going way over the speed limit (I was going a little over and was ATGATT).
I would venture to say the cagers on the road had no doubt that one of us was not like the others.
BTW- they did not wave back. Meanies....
My father, old Navy man, never went on a road trip without a concealed weapon.... for which he had no license. Seemed weird as he** to me at 12, but I put it down to him being of a different generation. I understand it a little better now, but I never followed that practice.
I have a concealed carry permit and it's good in every state I've been in (and the ones I'm fixin' to go to).
I always carry. I have 30+ years in martial arts but nothing beats a bullet.
Thank God I've never had to use it , I do.
At the Blue Knight meeting. No problems here with other gangs, for some reason!
